Boochd Recovery - Lime'n'ade 330ml (24 Pack)


A refreshing twist on the traditional lemonade.
This super-ACV is your go-to pre or post-workout beverage when you’re seeking
muscle recovery (and with added good gut feelings!)

Filtered carbonated water, *organic Apple cider vinegar, lime juice, natural sweeteners (erythritol & steviol glycosides), BCAA blend (leucine, valine, l-isoleucine, l-glutamine), L-Glutamine, natural lime flavour, potassium Sorbate.

*Organic ingredients

Protein - plays a huge role when it comes to strengthening and repairing tissue after exercise. With 5g per can, recover can help hit your daily protein needs.

Glutamine - is a very effective intestinal and immune system health compound

BCAA - plays an important role in muscle protein synthesis.

Servings per pack: 1 | Serving Size: 330 ml

Energy: 107kJ (26 cal)
Protein: 5g
Fat: <1g
Carbohydrates: <1g
BCAA: 2500mg
Glutamine: 2500mg

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A refreshing twist on the traditional lemonade.
This super-ACV is your go-to pre or post-workout beverage when you’re seeking
muscle recovery (and with added good gut feelings!)

Filtered carbonated water, *organic Apple cider vinegar, lime juice, natural sweeteners (erythritol & steviol glycosides), BCAA blend (leucine, valine, l-isoleucine, l-glutamine), L-Glutamine, natural lime flavour, potassium Sorbate.

*Organic ingredients

Protein - plays a huge role when it comes to strengthening and repairing tissue after exercise. With 5g per can, recover can help hit your daily protein needs.

Glutamine - is a very effective intestinal and immune system health compound

BCAA - plays an important role in muscle protein synthesis.

Servings per pack: 1 | Serving Size: 330 ml

Energy: 107kJ (26 cal)
Protein: 5g
Fat: <1g
Carbohydrates: <1g
BCAA: 2500mg
Glutamine: 2500mg

A refreshing twist on the traditional lemonade.
This super-ACV is your go-to pre or post-workout beverage when you’re seeking
muscle recovery (and with added good gut feelings!)

Filtered carbonated water, *organic Apple cider vinegar, lime juice, natural sweeteners (erythritol & steviol glycosides), BCAA blend (leucine, valine, l-isoleucine, l-glutamine), L-Glutamine, natural lime flavour, potassium Sorbate.

*Organic ingredients

Protein - plays a huge role when it comes to strengthening and repairing tissue after exercise. With 5g per can, recover can help hit your daily protein needs.

Glutamine - is a very effective intestinal and immune system health compound

BCAA - plays an important role in muscle protein synthesis.

Servings per pack: 1 | Serving Size: 330 ml

Energy: 107kJ (26 cal)
Protein: 5g
Fat: <1g
Carbohydrates: <1g
BCAA: 2500mg
Glutamine: 2500mg